No clue

Jag brukar vara den med koll.
Koll på läget och alltid säker på vad som sker.
Det är irriterande, men jag har inte det nu.
Det är inte likt mig, jag har ingen jävla aning.
Jag pallar inte med sånt här.


this is how it feels to be special
i wanted to kill you the next day
i feel bad i feel bad i feel better
i wanted to kill you the next day

i say twice i say thrice i say four times
i wanted to kill you the next day
i feel sane i feel sane have i lost it?
this how it feels to be special
this is how it feels to be nixon

hey, hey, hey, hey forever and ever and ever again x2
don't you smile like you smile 'less you mean it
i wanted to kill you the next day
it infected the way that she dances
this is how it feels to be special
this is how it feels to be nixon
you give and you give and you give up
hey, hey, hey, hey forever and ever and ever again..


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